Nutanix and VCDX

By | November 4, 2015

Nutanix and VCDX

OK I have to admit it, I got a little side tracked today. After months of digging and asking the correct people, I found out that the Nutanix NPP and NPX are completely free. With the NPX you still will have to travel to the Nutanix headquarters to defend your design.

So I started walking through the self-study section for the NPP certification.  I completed 20% of the self-study today.


I am current going back through my VCDX design. Rene Van Den Bedem (@vcdx133) and Brian Suhr (@bsuhr) reminded me that the VCDX is not about the amount of words or pages. So I am going back to the beginning. I am not going to start from scratch. I am going to start with one section/part at a time. I am quoting this from Rene, “Get the Conceptual Model right before going to the Logical Design, get the Logical Design right before the Physical Design.” Great insight.

I need to get back to what I know. That is creating solid designs. After tonight’s round with my VCDX design I should have more to write about. I really should have pursued my Desktop VCDX. I have multiple proof of concept designs in process. Oh well, first data center,