vDM30in30 Day 1
This will be my first post. I have seen that some people out there do not like when the 30 days for 30 blogs challenge starts. These people believe that the associated post(s) will cause a lot of unneeded and unwanted content. I see it as a way to help people to start writing/blogging. I started my blogging career a little over a year ago. I have been able to see that my writing skills have greatly improved. I still cannot blog like the great bloggers. Chris Wahl, Eric Wright, William Lam, etc. I hope that one of these days it will just click for me.
I originally decided to not take this challenge this year. One reason I cannot talk about yet. The second reason, I was planning on finishing my VCDX design and submitting by December 11th. After talking with a couple of close friends I am not going to temp the VCDX submission and fail. With that said, I am still going to take the challenged outlined by Eric and Melissa. That challenge is to live blog my road to finishing my VCDX design. During this challenge I will also be studying and taking my VCAP-DCA at the end of November.
So during the next 30 days get ready for a ride.