VirtualDesignMaster Challenge 1
I know that the competitors have not been released for #vDM. I am really lucky to be one of these competitors.
The challenge 1 design requirements are here.
I think the hardest part of this first design was the lack of time. The first design was through the US Independence holiday. I had a very hard time finding time between family and design. As an aspiring architect I know this is something that I will have to do. So I pushed forward.
Sunday night I reached out to Sean (@seanpmassey) to take a look at my current design and make recommendation on what I needed to expand on(questions judges would ask). There were a number of good questions that he had asked.
So here is the big kicker. I did not read the deadline correctly. 11AM not 11PM on Monday. I only had a chance to finish 55% of the changes that Sean had pointed out. So I had to submit a not so great design. So when Challenge 1 airs on Wednesday, I am going to release my competed design with all the changes.
If I make it to the next round… I will make sure I watch that deadline a little closer.
You can see some of these twitter conversions by following these two hash tags. #VirtualDesignMaster and #vDM